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Tips for surviving a severe allergy season

Seasonal allergies affect as many as 30 percent of adults and 40 percent of children - that's more than 50 million people - in the United States. Dr. Keyvan Ravakhah, internal medicine specialist, provides some tips for relief during allergy season. ...Continue →

Cleveland Improbable Players offer reality of addiction and recovery in dramatization at St. Vincent Charity Medical Center

Cleveland’s Plain Dealer joined addition treatment caregivers and clients of Rosary Hall this week to view a dramatic performance staged by the Improbable Players. The professional troupe brings a raw, riveting message about addiction to schools and stages across communities hit hard by the opioid epidemic. ...Continue →

Do You Have to Fuse My Neck?

Robert F. McLain, M.D., a spine surgeon in the Spine and Orthopedic Institute at St. Vincent Charity Medical Center, recently published this article to provide information regarding cervical disc injury, cervical fusion, disc replacement surgery and more. Dr. McLain has more than 20 years of experience in disc replacement surgery, and has served as an instructor and educator in disc replacement surgical training, as Principal Investigator for an FDA cervical disc replacement clinical trial, and provides both lumbar and cervical disc replacement to carefully selected patients who need those procedures. ...Continue →

Northeast Ohio Hospital Opioid Consortium Video Highlights Partnership

The Northeast Ohio Hospital Opioid Consortium has released a new video, highlighting the collaborative work under way by area hospitals to address the opioid crisis in the region. The Opioid Consortium video features representatives of the membership, including St. Vincent Charity Medical Center, who speak about the contributions being made to the overall effort. ...Continue →

St. Vincent Team Committed to Placing Patients First

When Dan Walsh of Painesville needed emergency spinal surgery, orthopedic spine surgeon Dr. George Kellis and the caregivers at St. Vincent Charity Medical Center quickly pulled together an expert team to preserve his quality of life. ...Continue →

St. Vincent Offers “Laser Spine,” Minimally Invasive Surgery

St. Vincent Charity spine surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Shall is one of a select few in Northeast Ohio who specializes in minimally invasive surgery to correct spinal disorders. Often referred to as “laser spine surgery” (even though the procedures rarely ever utilizes a laser), minimally invasive spine surgery has many advantages, including shorter recovery times and stronger long-term results, over traditional surgical techniques. ...Continue →

4 Tips to Recover from Joint and Muscle Pain from Exercise

Starting in late January and early February every year, Dr. Friedhoff begins to see an influx of patients suffering from overuse injuries caused by starting their New Year’s exercise regime too aggressively. These injuries are one factor that leads to the more than 80 percent of those who make a resolution to exercise falling off the wagon by early February. However, Dr. Friedhoff said the majority of these strains and pains do not need to make your New Year’s Resolution come to a screeching halt. Rather, he advises patients on how to change their exercise program, allow the body rest and then set manageable training goals. ...Continue →

When Is It Time for Back Surgery?

While the majority of patients suffering from chronic back pain fear they will require surgery, the reality is surgery is rarely necessary. The vast majority will find relief with more conservative, non-surgical treatments. This is a fact Dr. John Collis, neurosurgeon and co-medical director of St. Vincent Charity Medical Center’s Spine and Orthopedic Institute, frequently shares with his new patients. ...Continue →

Suffering from Back Pain? You Are Not Alone

If you or a loved one is suffering from back pain, you are not alone. Approximately 80 percent of American adults will experience back pain at some point in their life. Next to headaches, back pain is the most common neurological condition and is the third most common reason for a doctor’s visit. ...Continue →

What Happens if Adult Hip Dysplasia Goes Untreated?

In her early 30s, Shannon Grose developed agonizing pain in her left hip. She grew discouraged as she was referred from doctor to doctor, all telling her the same thing – she was too young for a hip replacement.  Shannon finally had enough and started searching for an orthopedic surgeon willing to help her. One day an ad for Dr. Amar Mutnal, an affiliated surgeon of the Spine and Orthopedic Institute at St. Vincent Charity Medical Center, popped up on Facebook and something inside urged her to call for an appointment. That moment marked the beginning of Shannon taking her life back. ...Continue →

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October 30, 2019

Statement on the Passing of 10th Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, Bishop Richard Lennon

St. Vincent Charity Medical Center, the Sisters of Charity Health System and the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine are deeply saddened by the passing of The Most Rev. Richard Gerard Lennon, bishop emeritus of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland on Tu ...continue reading

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February 25, 2019

Northeast Ohio Hospital Opioid Consortium Video Highlights Partnership

CLEVELAND – The Northeast Ohio Hospital Opioid Consortium has released a new video, highlighting the collaborative work under way by area hospitals to address the opioid crisis in the region.The ...continue reading

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June 4, 2018

St. Vincent Surgeon Performs Breakthrough Knee Revision Surgery

St. Vincent Charity Medical Center’s Dr. Bernard Stulberg recently became the first orthopedic surgeon in the country to perform total knee revision surgery utilizing the latest GPS technology. The procedure marks a breakthrough in knee revision surg ...continue reading

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