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15 years after degenerated disc removal, patient keeps unfilled pain prescription in frame

Veronica Ringholz’s journey began with a car accident in 2004. While she felt fine after the accident, months later she began passing out and losing strength in her arms and hands. The young, single parent struggled with daily activities at home to care for her son. And, she feared she wouldn’t be able to continue her job, which required regular travel across the country. Veronica's path led her to St. Vincent Charity Medical Center Neurosurgeon Dr. John Collis. ...Continue →

Sister Judith Ann Karam, CSA, joins other faith-based leaders in Washington, D.C., to spread the word about the importance of the 2020 Census

The U.S. Census Bureau convened faith-based leaders from across the country for the 2020 Census Interfaith Summit February 18 at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., to discuss the importance of encouraging members of their communities to respond to the 2020 Census. Sister Judith Ann Karam, CSA, congregational leader for the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine, was part of the panel discussion. Her message and those of other faith-based leaders were shared nationally on NPR. ...Continue →

Losing Weight Begins with Understanding All Your Needs

Research shows that in many cases doctors need to focus less on a patient’s weight and look more individually at things such as personal physiology and behavior. Despite such findings, physicians routinely recommend dieting for weight loss as a means to address issues such as high cholesterol and insomnia in obese patients. Leslie Pristas, DO, medical director of the Center for Bariatric Surgery, explains why this isn't in patients best interest. ...Continue →

Rosary Hall donor establishes $50,000 endowment to help support uninsured and under-insured patients

Gary Storch freely admits that he would not be alive today if it wasn’t for Rosary Hall at St. Vincent Charity Medical Center. He started drinking at the age of 15 and came to Rosary Hall in the late 1970s at the age of 18. He was without health insurance and without money to pay for much-needed alcohol addiction treatment—and without hope. Gary, now 58, decided he wanted to do more to show his gratitude and approached Rosary Hall about giving half of his life savings to the program upon his death for patients that cannot afford the inpatient detoxification program or don’t have insurance. Rather than waiting, he was moved to write a $50,000 check a few days later to establish the Gary and Patty Storch Endowment at Rosary Hall. ...Continue →

St. Vincent featured in Catholic Health World cover story

In its February 1 cover story, Catholic Health World examined the issue of clinical alarm management. St. Vincent Charity Medical Center's chief nursing officer, Barbara J. Moran, shared her ...Continue →

Spine & Orthopedic Institute resolves adjacent segment degeneration for long-time grateful patient

Cleveland-area native Sal Fragapane was not surprised when he started experiencing back pain 15 years after having spinal fusion surgery. In fact, his surgeon, St. Vincent Charity Neurosurgeon John S. Collis, M.D., had warned Sal at the time of his first surgery in 2003 there was mild deterioration in the vertebrae above the fusion and chances were high that he would need additional surgery in the future. When Sal went into see Dr. Collis last year about his returned pain, Dr. Collis also brought in his colleague Dr. Shall to consult. The surgeons immediately put Sal at ease. ...Continue →

Cleveland Magazine names Dr. Robert McLain a "Champion of Care"

In its January 2020 issue, Cleveland Magazine features Dr. Robert F. McLain of the Spine & Orthopedic Institute at St. Vincent Charity Medical Center as one of its 2020 Champions of Care. Dr. McLain is a fellowship-trained spine surgeon with 25 years of experience in complex back and neck surgeries. He specializes in minimally invasive cervical and lumbar procedures as well as state of the art disc replacement, spinal fusions and reconstruction. ...Continue →

Podiatry residents share care and a compassionate ear at annual Homeless Stand Down

Since the inception of the Stand Down in 1990, members of the St. Vincent Charity’s Department of Podiatry have volunteered to serve and provide medical screenings at the annual event for Cleveland’s homeless. ...Continue →

Reverse Ride-Along gives St. Vincent physicians new perspective on approaching patient care

Doctors from St. Vincent Charity recently explored issues involving trust and trauma with residents of Cleveland's Central neighborhood during a reverse ride-along hosted by the Cleveland Central Promise Neighborhood. ...Continue →

Specialized Lumbar Disk Replacement Relieves Back Pain, Preserves Mobility

While spinal fusion permanently joins two vertebrae together, lumbar disk replacement substitutes a worn or degenerated disk in the lower part of the spine with an artificial disk made of metal or a combination of metal and plastic. The goal of the procedure is to relieve lower back pain while, at the same time, maintain normal motion for patients. St. Vincent Charity’s Robert F. McLain. M.D., who worked with investigators in the first FDA trials on the procedure, is the recognized expert on lumbar disk replacement surgery in Northeast Ohio. ...Continue →

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October 30, 2019

Statement on the Passing of 10th Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, Bishop Richard Lennon

St. Vincent Charity Medical Center, the Sisters of Charity Health System and the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine are deeply saddened by the passing of The Most Rev. Richard Gerard Lennon, bishop emeritus of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland on Tu ...continue reading

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February 25, 2019

Northeast Ohio Hospital Opioid Consortium Video Highlights Partnership

CLEVELAND – The Northeast Ohio Hospital Opioid Consortium has released a new video, highlighting the collaborative work under way by area hospitals to address the opioid crisis in the region.The ...continue reading

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June 4, 2018

St. Vincent Surgeon Performs Breakthrough Knee Revision Surgery

St. Vincent Charity Medical Center’s Dr. Bernard Stulberg recently became the first orthopedic surgeon in the country to perform total knee revision surgery utilizing the latest GPS technology. The procedure marks a breakthrough in knee revision surg ...continue reading

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