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A Season of Renewal

By Radiant Admin on 
Posted on March 1, 2017

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. During the season of Lent, Christians are given a time to observe a period of fasting, repentance, moderation, self-denial and spiritual discipline. The purpose of these 40 days is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ--his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection.

Thinking Deeper

While you are thinking about what to give up this Lent season, we encourage you to think about what to do more of as well. Instead of just giving up things you already do whether it’s bad habits, or your favorite dessert, we want you to start making an effort to do things that will allow you to grow in your faith.

While giving up chocolate or pop for lent can teach us self-denial and discipline, we challenge you to think a little deeper this season. What can you do each day to grow in your faith and make the world a better place?

Pray. Fast. Give.


A Message From Pope Francis


Dear friends, Lent is the favorable season for renewing our encounter with Christ, living in is word, in the sacraments and in our neighbor. The Lord, who overcame the deceptions of the Tempter during the forty days in the desert, shows us the path we must take. May the Holy Spirit lead us on a true journey of conversion, so that we can rediscover the gift of God’s word, be purified of the sin that blinds us, and serve Christ present in our brothers and sisters in need. I encourage all the faithful to express this spiritual renewal also by sharing in the Lenten Campaigns promoted by many Church organizations in different parts of the world, and thus to favor the culture of encounter in our one human family. Let us pray for one another so that, by sharing in the victory of Christ, we may open our doors to the weak and poor. Then we will be able to experience and share to the full the joy of Easter.

                                                                                                -Pope Francis



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