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Making Life More Colorful

By Radiant Admin on 
Posted on February 9, 2017

Making Life More Colorful

February is officially Heart Month. Taking care of your heart is one of the most important things you should be doing every day. Small changes in your lifestyle choices can dramatically decrease your chances of developing heart disease. This month, we focus on color.

Colors are powerful. Colors make us feel alive.

 When we look out into the blue ocean we feel limitless. When we step outside and look up at the bright yellow sun we feel warmth. When we lay in the tall green grass we feel grounded. Colors can make us feel many different things but what can colors do for our bodies? Colors can have a positive impact on our diet and our heart health. The more colorful your plate is the better. Different colors have different benefits for our bodies.

Red foods like pomegranate, apples, cherries and tomatoes can help protect against heart disease and cancer.

Blue /Purple foods such as blueberries, grapes, and blackberries are good for the heart, brain, bones, and arteries while supporting healthy aging.

Green foods such as kiwi, kale, avocado, lettuce and broccoli can support eye health, liver function, cell health, and wound healing.

Yellow/Orange foods like carrots, pineapple, bananas, lemons, and sweet potatoes can give you a healthy immune system and support healthy growth and development.

White foods such as mushrooms, garlic, onions, pears, and cauliflower can help fight heart disease and cancer.

Use the colors of the rainbow as a guideline when you are grocery shopping. Fill your cart with every color (natural, not artificial). Having a colorful diet can assure you are getting a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. There are many things you can do to create better eating habits without going on a diet or giving up your favorite foods. Pay attention to your portions and eliminate empty-calorie foods. Cook more homemade meals and avoid buying unhealthy foods. If the food isn’t in the house then you are less inclined to eat it.

Food is powerful. Food can heal.

You are what you eat. Eating a rainbow of foods will make you healthier from the inside out. Let us use this month to make changes in our diet and start making life more colorful.



For more tips on healthy eating provided by the American Heart Association click below



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